InDesign Training Classes in Los Angeles
100% Hands-on Computer Training Class in Adobe InDesign in Los Angeles, California
We provide Adobe InDesign classes in Los Angeles area in our computer training center. Adobe InDesign is the most popular industry standard layout software in the market. It is used to create advertisements, brochures, newspapers, magazines and flyers.
In the Adobe InDesign class students will learn to use the Tools, Create Graphics and Text, Making Changes to Graphics, Drawing Lines, Drawing Boxes, Changing Fonts, Moving Text and Graphics Around, Rotating Text,Drop Shadow, Master Pages, Page Numbering, Columns, Gradient Shading, Drop Caps, Insert Images, Create Brochures, Newsletters and much more.
The Adobe InDesign class is 100% hands-on with a very low student to teacher ratio. The students will receive a certificate at the end of the Adobe InDesign training.
What makes us #1 in training classes:
- Serving the community since 1989
- 100% Hands-on live classes
- One computer per person
- Knowledgeable & Patient Instructors
- Discount on multiple classes
- Guaranteed Learning: We are so confident that you will love our classes that we offer a guarantee. If after 1 hour and before 1½ hours is up, you do not LOVE the class, you can cancel the class and get a full refund
- Best quality and price, Guaranteed
- Small student to teacher ratio for maximum attention
- Certificate upon completion of the course
- Day time, Evening and Saturday classes
- Professionally prepared workbook for use in class and for your future reference
- Flexible Schedule for the classes
Course Level | Class Days |
Level 1 - Introduction, 8 hours | 1 full day (or 2 half days) |
Levels 1 & 2 - Introduction & Intermediate 16 hours | 2 full days (or 4 half days) |
Levels 1, 2 & 3 - Full Course Introduction, Intermediate & Advanced 24 hours | 3 full days (or 6 half days) |
Level 2 - Intermediate, 8 hours | 1 full day (or 2 half days) |
Level 3 - Advanced, 8 hours | 1 full day (or 2 half days) |
Levels 2 & 3 - Intermediate & Advanced 16 hours | 2 full days (or 4 half days) |

Class Hours
Classes start every week, please call for availability of space
Class sessions | Time |
Full day | 9:00 am to 5:30 pm |
Morning | 9:00 am to 1:00 pm |
Afternoon | 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm |
Evening | 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm |
Sat/Sun Morning | 9:00 am to 1:00 pm |
Sat/Sun Afternoon | 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm |
Sat/Sun All Day | 9:00 am to 5:30 pm |

For pricing or to register
please call now
(310) 729-1766